How to Save Money When Buying a Car For many people, buying a car will often be one of the biggest purchases of their lives, following the purchase of a house. It is important to invest in a good, reliable car to get you from point A to point B every single day. However
Changing Your Budgeting Techniques For 2022
Changing Your Budgeting Techniques For 2022 It's important to move forward into the new year with a positive mindset towards your finances. In fact, millions of people often choose to work on their money management as one of their new year's resolutions. As 2021 comes
Tips For Saving For Your First Home
Tips For Saving For Your First Home Your first home will be one of the biggest, most exciting purchases you'll ever make. From the beginning of the process when saving and searching, to the end when completing, you'll experience many ups and downs. At some points, the
How To Do Christmas On A Budget
How To Do Christmas On A Budget Besides the usual type of bills and purchases, Christmas can be one of the most expensive of the year. The cost of food, gifts, decorations and activity soon racks up the costs along with the bills on the side. Typically, according to
Our Top Tips When Booking A Holiday
Our Top Tips When Booking A Holiday With the boredom that lockdown has brought to the UK, you have probably thought about every single possible holiday destination you could visit when the lockdown is lifted. The likelihood that you have planned out your entire trip
How To Save Money When Buying A Car
How To Save Money When Buying A Car Cars are often one of the most expensive purchases people make in their lifetime. They can be very pricey depending on the age, the make and the model, but that does not mean you cannot find one within your budget. So, depending on
How Spending Less Money Makes You Happier (Part II)
Does spending less money make you happier? So, you've already ready read part 1 and now you're back for more... Great! Or if you haven't read part 1, you find it at the bottom of this post. We're all aware that the key to reducing your spending is to cut back a little
How Spending Less Money Makes You Happier (Part I)
Does spending less money make you happier? Our lives are consumed by a constant sense of worth through material items. Do you have the latest TV technology? Do you drive a brand new car?We are led by our money. We feel that we need money, to buy these material items, in
How to Start A Business With No Money
How to Start A Business With No Money Everybody has got to start somewhere when they start a business, right? You don’t always need a lot of money to get a business up and running. In fact, sometimes you can get started with little to no funding. Starting a business
6 Ways to Save Money on Household Bills
6 Ways to Save Money on Household Bills Household bills are the bain of everyone's lives, but, sadly, there's just no getting around them. However, there are ways to reduce them though. Don't worry, we're not going to tell you to stop watching TV and start eating cold