The Most Frequent Uses of Personal Loans

The Most Frequent Uses of Personal Loans A personal loan is a way to make significant things happen. It can help you take control of your finances and streamline your debt, or finance something big. If you're curious about the most common uses of personal loans, or how

5 Things You Need to Know Before Taking Out a Personal Loan

5 Things You Need to Know Before Taking Out a Personal Loan If you're looking for a personal loan, taking out a personal loan can be a lifesaver for many. With that being said, it have both its advantages and disadvantages. However, it all depends on you and your

How Spending Less Money Makes You Happier (Part II)

Does spending less money make you happier? So, you've already ready read part 1 and now you're back for more... Great! Or if you haven't read part 1, you find it at the bottom of this post. We're all aware that the key to reducing your spending is to cut back a little

How Spending Less Money Makes You Happier (Part I)

Does spending less money make you happier? Our lives are consumed by a constant sense of worth through material items. Do you have the latest TV technology? Do you drive a brand new car?We are led by our money. We feel that we need money, to buy these material items, in

How to Start A Business With No Money

How to Start A Business With No Money Everybody has got to start somewhere when they start a business, right? You don’t always need a lot of money to get a business up and running. In fact, sometimes you can get started with little to no funding. Starting a business

5 Ways to Protect Yourself From Online Fraud

What is Online Fraud? Online Fraud is fraud committed using the internet. It can involve financial fraud and identity theft. Online fraud comes in many forms. It is any kind of deception, scam, or crime that results in the loss of personal data, including the loss of

Understanding APR and How It Works

Understanding APR & How It Works When it comes to credit, understanding APR is really important. If you are interested in taking out a loan, it's vital that you understand what APR means. Lenders and brokers extend credit, so you can pay back purchases, but they don

6 Ways to Save Money on Household Bills

6 Ways to Save Money on Household Bills Household bills are the bain of everyone's lives, but, sadly, there's just no getting around them. However, there are ways to reduce them though. Don't worry, we're not going to tell you to stop watching TV and start eating cold

Understanding Your Payslip

Understanding your payslip Understanding your payslip can be a little difficult at times, if you're not familiar with all the terms and jargon. So we're here to help you with understanding your payslip and what it shows. A payslip shows how much your employer has paid

How to Talk About Money with Your Partner

How to Talk About Money With money lying at the root of so many relationship breakdowns, we're sharing some advice to help you talk honestly about money with your partner. They say that money can’t buy you happiness, and while that’s certainly true, a lack of money