No matter how organised you are or how good you are at planning your finances, one thing's for sure, unplanned expenses will arise at some point in the future. It is, therefore, a good idea to put aside a little money each month to build up an emergency fund to pay for
Keeping Track of What You Owe
Debt management: how to keep track of what you owe When you take out any sort of loan - even something as simple as borrowing money from family - it's important to keep track of what you owe, who you owe, and when you need to make repayments. The obvious advantage to
Declutter your home
Home Organisation Tips 'Tidy house, tidy mind'... it's a common saying, but there are actually many more advantages to organising your home than simply clarity. In fact, by taking just a few moments each day to declutter and get rid of unnecessary or unwanted items, you
Top ways to Save Money on Food
When it comes to the cost of living, one of the most expensive necessities is the price of food. Changing trade laws and the rise of niche food products are all boosting the prices of a weekly grocery shop, and many families are struggling to keep down the costs.
Do you give your Children Pocket Money?
According to a study released by Halifax, parents typically give their children £7.04 per week in pocket money (Girls average £7.09 a week while the boys average amount has dropped by 14p since last year to £6.91.) . Many parents do this to teach their children
Make your Weekly Grocery Shop a Bargain
How to make your weekly grocery shop a bargain Groceries, especially boring ones like toilet paper and washing up liquid, can be something we resent having to spend money on. So you've taken out a debt consolidation loan but you're looking to streamline your weekly
Popular Budget Tracking Apps
Popular Budget Tracking Apps in 2019 If you wish to change your spending habits and save more, it is important to track your budget. Gone are the days when people had to rely on traditional methods such as a pen and notebook or envelopes to track their expenditure. In
Top 3 Websites you should Bookmark
Top 3 websites you should Bookmark People love bargains so much that they often end up buying things they don’t really need. Sometimes you may be replacing an item that you always lose, or you're looking for an upgrade. However, there’s no point in paying the full
Finding Great Deals
Finding great deals Who doesn’t love a great deal, right? It is always important to shop savvy and look for bargains so that you can keep your money in order and your credit score in good check. With that being said, continue reading to discover some of the different
Should I take out a Debt Consolidation Loan?
What is a debt consolidation loan? If you are asking yourself "Should i take out a debt consolidation loan?" then you probably do need to. Debt consolidation loans are a form of personal loan that can be used to pay off existing debts and manage them as one whole